All of our research occurs in state-of-the-art facilities, allowing us to bring to the table the most accurate data for your farm.
All of our research occurs in state-of-the-art facilities, allowing us to bring to the table the most accurate data for your farm.
Our teams work hard to answer questions and conduct cutting-edge research so that they can help solve key issues facing the swine industry.
At Carthage Innovative Swine Solutions, LLC (CISS), we perform research that maximizes sow and growing pig performance. CISS has access to state-of-the-art commercial breed-to-wean and wean-to-finish facilities, as well as a veterinary research facility designed to provide practical sow and growing pig nutrition, health, production, and housing research to the swine industry.
Our dedicated staff of scientists and research assistants have a history of leading in quality and detailed sow and wean-to-finish nutrition, health, and production research that can be applied to production systems around the world. CISS has an established Animal Care Committee to ensure trials are conducted properly.
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The outcome research team focuses on answering questions concerning health, nutrition, and production in both sow and growing pig facilities.
The science and discovery team conducts cutting-edge research, focused on novel ideas, science, and products to help solve key questions facing the swine industry.
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Consultation Services assists other companies with protocol development and data analysis. Set up a consultation with us today so that we can answer your questions.